✍️ Giulio: ‘Today, 11 years ago, I officially became a FIFA agent. I realised a first, big goal.
What a good friend of mine called Dario said to me a few days ago -what I like so much about you, is that it shines through everywhere how much you love your job-, made me think, and not a little.
🔙 Today, 11 years ago, I learnt of the results of the Agent exam and with an enthusiasm I had never felt before, I started ‘doing’. I still remember with pleasure how many newspapers/coffee shops I bought for sports law lawyers where I began to practise this beautiful yet complex profession.
‘Doing’ has always been a pet peeve of mine, foreshadowing a goal, reaching it, surpassing it, foreshadowing another, and so on, in an infinite vortex that inevitably, for better or worse, affects everyone in its path.
🔍 In these first eleven years in the profession, I have found so many professionals who have become friends: colleagues, lawyers, managers, journalists, presidents, scouts, coaches, sports directors, fans, parents and, of course, footballers. The beauty of this profession is the human relationships, the connections that are created. The Agent, (mind you, capital ‘A’), often enters into the lives of the people he interacts with and I have the healthy presumption, together with the fantastic team of @tedeschi_e_partners_management with whom I work, to think that I am changing lives for the better (at least the sport one).
🐍 Often uninformed tongues, in an era of media massification (and thus simplification), have associated the figure of the agent with a series of bad conducts, bordering on morality and professional integrity.
ℹ For those who have read this far: you do not know how much I defend this profession against such attacks. Have you ever heard in the news, of an abusive practising doctor? (AKA: a non-physician)...
Behold, our profession is too often mown down by such characters, who, among other things, commit a (criminal) offence - they do nothing but make our activity look bad.
I like to think of our agency reality as something revolutionary, something different. That can change the world in which it works for the better, contributing substantially to the growth of the international women's movement. In my opinion, the ‘old-fashioned’ way of doing agency work, where one agent tried to steal clients from the other, must end now. We live in such a globalised business that partnerships are at the heart of the business and those who still play chicken stealing are doomed to fail.
The agency that wins over the single agent, a multi-service agency that offers 360° attention to its clients, that is what we are doing. When I started this business, - I often repeat myself like a mantra -, I started from scratch. Zero clients, zero commissions, zero clubs. Reading today's numbers gives us an idea of where we want to go. In 2013 from Rome and that cold air-conditioned hotel, I embarked on a journey that today I no longer make alone within the beautiful game.
I keep my fingers crossed for many more years of success, travels, emotions and stories to tell you.